Equal Opportunities Policy

Equal Opportunities in Employment

Ledbury & Area Development Trust Limited aims to provide equality of opportunity in all matters relating to employment.

All employment decisions will be made with regard only to the requirements of the job, and the capabilities of the individual and shall not be influenced by any unlawful consideration of race or ethnic origin, gender, marital status or disability, nor any improper consideration of these, nor any consideration of sexual orientation or religious conviction, nor unjustifiable application of age criteria.

The Ledbury & Area Development Trust Limited will also provide facilities, advice, and support to enable its paid employees (and where appropriate, unpaid volunteers) to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfil their roles effectively and develop their potential to meet the Company’s requirements.

All vacancy advertisements will include a reference to the Ledbury & Area Development Trust Limited’s Equal Opportunities Policy.  All requests to place vacancy advertisements will need to be accompanied by a Person Specification.

Equal Opportunities of access to Ledbury & Area Development Trust Limited

The Ledbury & Area Development Trust Limited, within the scope of its Memorandum and Articles of Association and regardless of gender, age, ethnic or national origin, colour, marital status, sexual orientation, family responsibility, physical and sensory disability, as well as political and religious beliefs and activities (unless those activities are contrary to the law and to the Company’s policies) is firmly committed to offering all people equality of opportunity for access to, participation in, and benefit from, the facilities and services provided.

The Management Committee has responsibility for equal opportunities throughout the organisation and is also responsible for ensuring that this code is implemented and monitored.