Appointment of Chief Executive

Ledbury and Area Development Trust Limited (LADT) announces the appointment of Roger A. Payne as its Chief Executive.

Stuart Houghton, Chairman of LADT, commented, “Roger brings with him a wealth of business experience from both the Private and Public sector. He has worked for two major multi-national companies in the UK and overseas, been the Managing Director of a Marketing Communications company, and has run his own companies for over 15 years.

He has recently completed a two-year contract in the Public Sector helping to run the highly successful Market Towns Initiative programme in Ledbury, Herefordshire.”

LADT will support a range of regeneration activities in Ledbury and the surrounding area – in particular, by helping young entrepreneurs start-up businesses, and find affordable accommodation. It is an independent, entrepreneurial organisation and profits that are made will be used for the benefit of the local community. LADT was incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee in January 2005 and became a full member of the Development Trusts Association in February 2005.

Danny Edwards, the Development Trusts Association’s West Midlands Regional Development Officer commented, “this is a hugely significant time for both the Development Trust and for Ledbury as a whole. It is also a very exciting time and one of enormous opportunity. I’m very much looking forward to working with Roger and the Management Committee in making a difference for the people of Ledbury.”

Commenting further on the appointment, Stuart Houghton said, “Roger will take up the appointment on an interim basis for an initial period of 6 months while we are securing start-up funding and implementing our income generating activities. There will be a formal launch of LADT during July 2005.”