The Annual General Meeting of the Trust was held on Thursday 28th September at the Old Cottage Hospital.
Stuart Houghton, the outgoing Chairman, thanked all the directors and Karen Davis for all their work and committment during the year. He is standing down as the Trust’s first chairman after many years, but will stay on the board to help Una Morgan the incoming Chairman. Clive Jupp has agreed to be the deputy chairman. Director Jan Long did not put herself foward for re-election because of all her many activities in Rotary and the community. Stuart presented her with a bouquet and expressed special thanks for her contribution. She has offered to help in the future if needed for publicity and the Poetry Festival booking.
After the AGM, Alex Clive gave an update on the current position with Ledbury Places.
Alex, Clive and Stuart are also members of the Ledbury Places committee to ensure LADT’s experience can be used to help restore these historic buildings in the centre of our community.

Jan Long with Stuart
Photos by Jan Long